Call for entries - HKICT Awards 2012: Best Collaboration Award
The Best Collaboration Award. Please kindly refer to the eDM and event pamphlet below for your kind consideration. The application will be received from 15 December 2011 to 6 February 2012. To get more information for the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2012: Best Collaboration Award, please download pamphlet here. PS: For your information,Last year, the award winners and their collaboration partners of the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011: Best Collaboration Award have won the 「深港科技創新大獎」and the national 「2010-2011中國軟件和信息服務業年度大獎」. For this year, we will also nominate the award winners to the mentioned awards and other regional/national awards, to help the winning companies to promote their brandings.